from left to right: Francois Boué "Amor Vacui" (super 8 mm film), Malachi Farrell "The Duel" (installation), Iain Forysyth & Jane Pollard "Anyone else isn't you" (video), Skylar Haskard "Bono Pictures" (collage installation)
from left to right: Skylar Haskard "Bono Pictures" (collage installation), Norbert Schwontowski " Fremde Frau" (painting), Wendell Kling "Toothpick Music Box" (sculpture, video), Malachi Farrell "The Duel" (installation)
from left to right: Wendell Kling "Toothpick Music Box" (sculpture, video), Zlatan Vukosavljevic "Untitled" (Mixed media), Malachi Farrell "The Duel" (installation), Seamus Farrell "Norm-Form"
from left to right: Jelena Tomasevic "What your eyes won't see" (photograph), Francois Boué "Amor Vacui" (super 8 mm film)
from left to right: Iain Forysyth & Jane Pollard "Anyone else isn't you" (video), Skylar Haskard "Bono Pictures" (collage installation)
view through Seamus Farrell "Norm-Form" |
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