Thrust Projects is proud to present "Inside the Pale", an exhibition curated by Frank Schroder featuring works by Benjamin Butler, David Humphreys, Paul Pagk, R.H. Quaytman, Sam Samore, and Frank Schroder.

In a grouping of painting, sculpture, and photography, Frank Schroder uses his own work as both a comment on the problems inherent in any decision about displaying a work of art and a wry allegory of the plight of the modern artist, whose sincere expression is commodified by others. David Humphrey's erotic sculpture and Sam Samore's sober photograph of an eyebrow infuses the exhibition with tension, despite the uncomplicated, apolitical tone of the informal arrangement. R.H. Quaytman's dark, demanding abstractions draws attention to the rigorous complexities behind the lighter colour tones and flying textures of Paul Pagk's work. Benjamin Butler redefines abstract structure and reincarnates painting by toying with the detritus of modernism. Ultimately, the varieties of provocation and confrontation exhibit an appreciation of subjectivity in place of a single, coherent aesthetic idea.


"Lets not analyze it" Frenhofer says. " It would only drive you to despair."

- Balzac's "Unknown  Masterpiece."


For further information, please contact Sara C. Smith at 212 431 4802 or . Gallery Hours: Wednesday through Sunday from 12 - 6 pm.




David Humphrey's work is courtesy Sikemma, Jenkins & Co. Gallery.

Paul Pagk's work is courtesy Moti Hasson Gallery.

Sam Samore's work is courtesy D'Amelio Terras Gallery.



Inside the Pale
March 18 - May 13, 2007

view individual works

Benjamin Butler
David Humphrey

Paul Pagk

R.H. Quaytman

Sam Samore
Frank Schroder